OTTAWA -- Ottawa police say they issued 89 speeding tickets to drivers over the last weekend, including to a driver going 76 km/h above the posted speed limit on one street.

Police said in a press release on Monday that Two drivers were stopped in the area of Heron and Riverside over the weekend. One was clocked at 136 km/h and the other was going 116 km/h.

The speed limit in that area is 60 km/h.

Police also said a driver was stopped on Castlefrank near the 417 going 166 km/h in the 100 zone, and another was going 117 km/h in a 50 zone on Anderson Road.

Six stunt driving charges were laid over the weekend. In addition to the drivers above, two drivers caught in the Mooney's Bay area on Sunday, allegedly street racing, were charged.

In addition to the 89 speeding tickets and six stunt driving charges, police said they also issued nine tickets for distracted driving, 10 for "excessive tint on windows" and five for having no insurance.