OTTAWA - Every year it’s the same thing. At Triole Small Engine Repair, they call it “snow blower hysteria”.

It’s mainly from customers who have machines in a long line, waiting for maintenance.  Customers who have rolled the dice on the first big snow fall.

“We’re getting more calls ‘Where is my machine? I need my machine’”, says Steve Poirier.

He says people don’t pay attention until the weather turns cold.  And by Thursday night, nine centimetres may have fallen.  

But CTV Ottawa’s JJ Clarke says the procrastinators might have dodged a bullet. “Nine centimetres will fall but almost all of it will melt. The temperature of the ground is above zero”, says Clarke.  

As for people who have not brought their machines in for maintenance yet, they’re facing a long wait at Triole.

“If somebody comes in right now, they’re looking at three to three and a half weeks” says Poirier.  “They say ‘there’s snow coming though’. We know there’s snow coming. Not much we can do.”

And JJ Clarke says the first snow generally melts. But with colder temperatures coming, that won't last forever.