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Meet the candidates for mayor of Ottawa



There are 14 candidates running for mayor of the city of Ottawa in the 2022 election. Mayor Jim Watson is not seeking re-election after a three-year term as mayor of Ottawa.

CTV News Ottawa invited all registered candidates to answer a questionnaire and submit a video introducing themselves to voters. (Some candidates submitted the requested 280 characters to describe their platform, while others submitted 280 words – accepted both).

Brandon Bay

Age: 34

Political experience: I have served on community associations, federal riding associations and party youth groups, and non-profit and academic boards

Professional experience: Enterprise software development (12 years, 3 in leadership); Web consulting (20 years); 3 years running a charity

How long have you lived in Ottawa? Since first moving to Ottawa in 2006 for university, I have spent 12 years in various neighbourhoods across the city. I lived in Boston from 2015 through 2018, which has been my only time away since this city won my heart.

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Ottawa? Its incredible and innumerable festivals, excellent urban green space and waterways, ever-improving art and culinary scenes, and its place at the very heart of Canada are why I fell in love with this city, and why when I think of it, it just feels like home.

Favourite Ottawa location/landmark? As an avid paddler, it has to be the Rideau Canal.

Favourite dish from a local restaurant? My wife and I love discovering new restaurants in the city, but I keep going back for the Muhammara at Fairouz Cafe.

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? I’m a very capable home chef, with a particular fondness for soups and barbecue. I also played competitive video games at the highest amateur level for several years.

Biggest issue Ottawa currently faces? Today, it's affordability. Housing prices in some parts of the city have tripled in the last 3 years.

If elected, what are three policy items you would pursue first? Zoning changes to build more housing and restore affordability, create more supports for small businesses across a variety of industries, and create a centralized promotion and communication engine to help reinvigorate Ottawa events and tourism. 

Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer:

Working together with bold action, Ottawa can be an affordable home, a diverse and sustainable economy, and a world-renowned capital city. We must build vibrant complete communities and invest in local businesses, technology, and fare-free community-focused transit.

Zed Chebib

No response from candidate

Bob Chiarelli  

No response from candidate

Bernard Couchman 

Age: 42

Political experience:  24 years taking care of the people

Professional experience: 32 years, working since I was 5 years old.

How long have you lived in Ottawa? Moving from Toronto in 1994, Graduating from Sir Robert Borden with Honors in 1999, 28 years.

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Ottawa?  Calm

Favourite Ottawa location/landmark?  Anywhere on the banks of the river...or under Parliament by the locks.

Favourite dish from a local restaurant? BBQ from Do Good Food, In Nepean.

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? Per talents I like to Sign and Dance, Swim, Run and Bike. I play Rugby for fun, my hobbies are Lapidary and Skodology.

Biggest issue Ottawa currently faces?  Cost of living, is way out of  control. Debts are out of control. The LRT will cost of 238 Billion by 2035. Our budget is 4 Billion do the math.

If elected, what are three policy items you would pursue first?  Peace, Water. Love, Environment. and Unity, People.

Describe your platform in 280 words or fewer: Hope for the future, on Health, Prophylactics. Environment, Sustainable. Economics, Practical and Logical.  Education, Modern. All at the municipal level. When you hire me, you are leaving a legacy that no other Canadian can leave, you can only leave money and knowledge for your children, by hiring me you are opening the doors and building bridges to the future of Canada, now is the change. You and I.

Celine Debassige

No response from candidate

Gregory Jreg Guevara

No response from candidate

Nour Kadri

Age: 48

Political experience: 

  • Extensive experience volunteering on political campaigns at all levels since 1999. 
  • Worked with the National Democratic Institute of Washington, DC in emerging democracies where I trained political parties on election readiness, leadership, coalition building, and conventions. 
  • Was the National Director of Outreach for the Liberal Party of Canada in 2008.

Professional experience: 

Current positions:

  • Professor, University of Ottawa  (Executive MBA, Graduate Programs in Digital Transformation and Innovation and Engineering Management)
  • President and CEO, Skyline Health Systems
  • Advisor and Co-Founder, SUKAD Corporation

Former positions:

  • Visiting Professor at the Academy of Diplomacy, London, UK
  • Advisor, Diplomacy Graduate Program – University Canada West
  • Director Compliance , Quality and Audit – Trialstat Corporation
  • Director Research and Development - Trialstat
  • Professor at Universite du Quebec in Outaouais
  • Director of National Outreach, Liberal Party of Canada
  • Project Manager- Various Government Departments
  • Consultant – Econometric Research
  • Consultant – National Democratic Institute – Washington DC
  • Consultant – Nine Seconds
  • Telecom Engineer- Alcatel Networks
  • Verification Specialist – Newbridge Networks
  • Many other volunteer and elected positions in Academic and community associations.

How long have you lived in Ottawa? 24 years

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Ottawa? Parliament Hill

Favourite Ottawa location/landmark? Human Rights Monument

Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Falafel from Chickpeas at Trainyards

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? Chess, soccer, tennis, gardening, garage sales

Biggest issue Ottawa currently faces? The biggest issue Ottawa currently faces is a dysfunctional, fractured council which has prevented taking meaningful action on important issues such as the LRT, a fiasco which devolved into a blame game rather being solution oriented. Residents have lost faith in their local government.

If elected, what are three policy items you would pursue first?

  • Affordable Housing
  • Effective Policing
  • Reliable Transit

Describe your platform in 280 words or fewer:

Nour Kadri is a coalition-builder who works across diverse communities, has a talent for innovation and practical problem solving and brings deep expertise from government, private and academic sectors.  He will provide progressive, pragmatic, and principled leadership as Mayor of Ottawa.

Building a safe, inclusive, and affordable world class city, engaging community members, using our strengths to find innovative solutions and implementing them together are cornerstones of his Vision Ottawa platform.   His vision can be summarized in the 5 points below.


Ecological stewardship means supporting clean-tech innovation, developing reliable public transit, cleaning up the Ottawa River, protecting green-space, supporting local agricultural communities to enhance year-round food security, and moving to environmentally sustainable buildings and renewable energy.


Central to an inclusive and livable city are universal access to affordable housing, effective policing, quality health and human services, and an unflinching commitment to Indigenous reconciliation and to meeting the needs of diverse communities.


An open, citizen-centred approach to good governance – best practices of city financing, service delivery, accessibility, managing city resources responsibly, and equity for underserved communities.


An innovative Ottawa will leverage the robust science, engineering, and innovation capabilities to deliver high tech jobs, sustainable infrastructure, and quality service delivery.


We will build on all that Ottawa offers — artist communities, small business, entertainment, and tourism to make our city a truly world-class, attractive capital. 


Graham MacDonald 

Age: 39

Political experience:  None

Professional experience:  As a former CEO for 10 years I have experience collaborating and uniting people to find common ground.

How long have you lived in Ottawa?  38

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Ottawa? That we live in the Nation's Capital that encompasses a vast array of different communities such as Rural, Suburbia and a usually vibrant downtown core.

Favourite Ottawa location/landmark? My favorite place in Ottawa is the War Memorial, it represents what we stand for as a country in the nation's capital.

Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Prime Rib at The Keg

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? I’m a relatively spiritual person in private, I am very cognitive of my spiritual capabilities.

Biggest issue Ottawa currently faces?  A divided council that struggles to execute most tasks

If elected, what are three policy items you would pursue first? Transit, Mental Health and Homelessness as well as Policing and Public Safety.

Describe your platform in 280 words or fewer:

My goal as Mayor of Ottawa is to unite and collaborate with council and members of the community to create an Ottawa that we can all be proud to call home. My platform includes addressing items such as Mental Health and Homelessness, Transit, Policing and Public Safety as well as repairing existing infrastructure such as roads and pathways that continue to deteriorate. Simple maintenance items have taken a back seat since implicating major projects like the LRT leaving our city and parks looking ragged. Our city has changed noticeably while projecting an untidy appearance at what seems to be an effort to save money. My Mental Health plan would see an interim Mental Health Officer appointed by Council that would be held accountable for City Services for people struggling with Mental Health. My Transit plan includes working with the Provincial Government to try and offset fare prices, similar to what is happening in municipalities surrounding the GTA. It is also crucial that we fix transit as a whole, we’ve spent billions of dollars and so far we have yet to produce the desired results with route cancellations for buses, no show Para Transpo and the LRT derailments and other issues. My Policing and Public Safety plan will see more officers hired onto the force, currently Ottawa Police are too busy responding to calls of service to do much proactive policing measures which reflects in our communities with constant complaints of speeding and crime.

Mike Maguire

Age: 61

Political experience:  Worked dozens of campaigns for other Federal/Provincial/Municipal candidates. Ran for Mayor of Ottawa twice before - was runner up in 2014.

Professional experience: Management consultant with specialization in IT for last 35 years.

How long have you lived in Ottawa? 57 years

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Ottawa? The Peace Tower

Favourite Ottawa location/landmark?  The Rideau Canal

Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Caesar Salad with Salmon at The Black Dog in Manotick

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? I'm a heritage miller. I can make flour at the water powered Grist Mill in Manotick.

Biggest issue Ottawa currently faces? Toss up between Housing affordability and Transit

If elected, what are three policy items you would pursue first?  Streamline housing process to allow more development. Restore OC Transpo some routes and initiate commuter rail from Kanata to Orleans. Address the homelessness and crime issues.

Describe your platform in 280 words or fewer:

Streamline the Planning, Zoning, Permitting and Development Charges to allow more housing starts with less overhead costs. Also, using the Planning power of the City, introduce an entry-level home option, Tiny Homes, as an option for the many residents who can’t afford to enter the housing market. These Tiny Homes would sell for around $400K and, with a reasonable down payment, would have a monthly mortgage roughly the same as rent on a two bedroom apartment in Ottawa.

Restore OC Transpo routes where ridership demand exists to both stabilize public transit in Ottawa and to increase reliability and confidence in public transit. Also, using existing rail and rail rights-of-way, introduce a commuter rail system between Kanata and Orleans. This would take some of the pressure off the LRT while offering a convenient and inexpensive link from the East to the West for thousands of commuters.

Address homelessness with a greater focus on front-line mental health services, strict enforcement against the drug dealers and a rental subsidy for qualified individuals so that the rental subsidy follows the individual rather than being tied to a specific apartment. This will allow individuals the opportunity to pick where they want to live while also allowing the City greater flexibility and speed to get help to where it’s needed most.

Catherine McKenney 

Age: 61

Political experience:  Ottawa City Councillor since 2014 (two terms).

Professional experience: 

Assistant to former Ottawa City Councillors Alex Munter (Kanata) and Diane Holmes (Somerset Ward).

Strategic Advisor to the Deputy City Manager, City Operations.

How long have you lived in Ottawa?  I have lived in Ottawa for 35 years. I have lived in Bay ward, Hintonburg and in Kanata before moving to  Centretown West where I have lived since 2007. 

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Ottawa? The people. Ottawa residents have deep connections to their local communities and feel passionate about improving them. Most residents, myself included, really care about the long term plan for our city. 

Favourite Ottawa location/landmark?  Ottawa is a terrific city and there’s a lot to choose from. The Ottawa Chinatown Royal Arch is my favourite landmark.

Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Almost anything my wife cooks at home.

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies?

I am an ultra runner, and train three times per week, including regular 30-50 km runs.

I can (barely) play the ukulele, sometimes with guest performer Councillor Jeff Leiper.

Biggest issue Ottawa currently faces?  

Living in Ottawa feels more expensive and less accessible every day. 

Everywhere you turn, people you know and love are getting priced out of their community — maybe it’s your child, your friend, or even you.

Ottawa is in a housing and homelessness crisis, and to effectively address this crisis, we must tackle it at the root. That is why as Mayor, I will eliminate chronic homelessness in our city within my first term of council. 

If elected, what are three policy items you would pursue first?

I’ve pledged to tackle our housing crisis, fix our transit system and make it more affordable, and restore trust, transparency and accountability between City Hall and the residents of Ottawa. 

Describe your platform in 280 words or fewer:

We can live in the healthiest city in Canada. A city where every person has a safe and affordable place to call home. A city where transit is affordable and dependable. A greener city with more trees and more parks. A city that plans neighbourhoods so walking and biking are safe and convenient, and where no one struggles to move about their city year-round. A city where our local businesses, artists, and neighbourhoods can grow and thrive.

As Mayor, I will apply my years of experience as a councillor and city staffer to end chronic and family homelessness, make transit affordable, reliable and accessible, restore trust in City Hall, protect greenspaces, and put climate action at the centre of decision making. 

We need to build strong, healthy and vibrant neighbourhoods where everyone in Ottawa has a safe, affordable place to call home. That means reinvesting in social services and supports for people who need them. 

Ottawa needs transportation that you can rely on, whether you take transit, bike, walk, and/or drive. My plan for reliable and affordable transit includes free transit for youth ages 17 and under.

As Mayor, I will make Ottawa a world-class city for cycling. We’ll build cycling infrastructure so you can safely bike across our city and within your own neighbourhood.

My plan will take bold action on climate change, bringing Ottawa on track to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. We’ll build a greener city with the greenspace and trees we need. 

City Hall should work to improve life for everyone in our community and build a city that leaves no one behind. That means restoring trust, transparency and accountability at City Hall. We need voices at City Hall that will fight for people.

This is our city and I look forward to being your Mayor.


Ade Olumide

Age: 51

Political experience:  Former President Ottawa Taxpayer Advocacy Group and Policy Advisor for an Ontario Conservative Member of Provincial Parliament. 

Professional experience: Ade has a Bachelors in Engineering and a Masters in Business Management, he developed a revenue planning system for a $4 billion dollar Toronto manufacturer. 

How long have you lived in Ottawa? 19 years

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Ottawa?  Big city with less crime than other big cities. 

Favourite Ottawa location/landmark?  Bayshore Mall 

Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Wings

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? Singing

Biggest issue Ottawa currently faces?  Lack of Platform 4- Rural Home To LRT Shuttle. Middle-Class (Less Than 53K Income) Free Transit. Increase Transit Frequency & Road Maintenance. 

If elected, what are three policy items you would pursue first?

Platform 3- No New Money. 1% Cap On Taxes & Fees. 4-Year Hiring Freeze ($63 Million Annual Savings From Attrition) & Ottawa Contractors Which Could Trigger The Creation Of About New 1,000 Companies. End The Rural Storm Water Heist. 

Platform 5- Anonymized Police Complaints Transparency Bill Of Rights. Excluding Frontline, Maximize The Ratio Of Unsworn Vs Police Personnel (Up To $18 Million Savings From Attrition). Reduce The Root Causes Of Homelessness & Crime.  

 Platform 6- Ottawa Ombudsman Review Of A Civil & Property Bill of Rights. Income Equity Lens Commentary For All Council Motions, Includes End Reverse Robinhood Home Construction Policies. Safely Reduce Red Tape Which Limits Small Business Productivity. 

Describe your platform in 280 words or fewer:

Platform 5 120 Days Anonymized Police Complaints Transparency Bill of Rights as described in can end police misconduct cover-ups. 


Param Singh

Age: 46

Political experience:  1st experience

Professional experience: 20 years experience as Ottawa Police Officer

How long have you lived in Ottawa? 22 years in the Capital region

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Ottawa? Community, Diversity, and Inclusion

Favourite Ottawa location/landmark?  My favourite landmark is the Terry Fox Statue – he is everything we should strive to be, he represents the very best of humility, heroism, and humanity. His perseverance is a testament to "One Person can make a difference". His strength is the epitome of what we all should want to be. He represents determination, strength and the "never giving up" frame of mind.

Favourite dish from a local restaurant? My local Shawarma Byte makes the best Chicken and Beef Shawarma sandwiches in the city. Their spicy garlic sauce is delicious and a bit spicy (I am a Sikh man, so spicy in my mouth is very different).

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies?  In my spare time (when I have some), I enjoy making diecast model cars for friends and family.

Biggest issue Ottawa currently faces? Currently, there are many hot topics from environment to LRT, but if I had to choose one, I would say LRT - as the extensive impact of LRT to those who rely on transit is key to rectify.

If elected, what are three policy items you would pursue first?  In no particular order: LRT, Affordable housing, and Infrastructure (including emergency services)

Describe your platform in 280 words or fewer:

My name is Param Singh, and I am one of your Mayoral Candidates for this election.

I have the unique boots on the ground experience for 20+ years working with residents from all walks of like. I have built my platform around what I have heard from the residents when listening to your concerns and used them as pillars in my platform, focusing on the many issues plaguing our great city.

As a husband and father of two, it is important to me as many others in this city to we provide a safe, fair, and inclusive environment for not only our children but residents alike.

We are all craving for a change, accountability, transparency, and a fresh perspective on how things are done at city hall.

My promise to you is that all decisions made at city hall will be fair, affordable, reliable, and transparent.


Jacob Solomon

No response from candidate to questionnaire 

Mark Sutcliffe

Age: 54

Political experience: No partisan political activities, but years of community leadership experience with United Way, Board of Trade, Royal Ottawa Foundation, Run Ottawa, Algonquin College, and more.

Professional experience:  Broadcaster, columnist, entrepreneur

How long have you lived in Ottawa?  All my life

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Ottawa? Our potential to be a great city for everyone

Favourite Ottawa location/landmark? National Gallery of Canada

Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Lemon cheesecake from Thyme & Again

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? I can solve the Rubik's cube

Biggest issue Ottawa currently faces?  Affordability

If elected, what are three policy items you would pursue first? Affordable housing, fix roads, getting value for taxpayer money with a thorough review of city spending

Describe your platform in 280 words or fewer: Balanced, non-partisan approach to making Ottawa safe, reliable, and affordable for everyone. Respect every part of Ottawa: rural, suburban, urban. Bring the community together to build more homes, fix public transportation, repair roads, and address crime. Support our local economy and revitalize downtown post-COVID. Top Stories

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