The season’s first blast of winter is on it's way. 

Environment Canada has issued a winter weather travel advisory for Thursday evening.

“A cold front is expected to track over Southern Ontario Thursday,” the advisory says. “As this front passes, temperatures will drop and scattered rain showers will change to flurries in the evening. As a result, untreated surfaces could become icy and slippery Thursday evening.”

The city of Ottawa will be out salting roads. 

"We're preapred with our night shift to go and salt the arterial roads as required, and then move on to the other network of the city," said Luc Gagne, Director of roads with the city of Ottawa. 

The temperature, which has been hovering around the November average this week, is expected to plunge rapidly Thursday night, from a high of 7°C to a low of -11°C overnight. Friday is not expected to see a temperature above -8°C.