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Toronto bus company no show for Ottawa pro-Israel rally participants, UJA says


A Jewish organization is alleging a bus service contracted to transport community members from Toronto to Ottawa for a pro-Israel rally did not show, leaving 'hundreds' of participants stranded.

A statement by the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto says 17 out of 70 buses booked failed to show up to bring people to the rally on Parliament Hill Monday afternoon.

The rally is being held in solidarity with Israel amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war and to denounce growing antisemitism across Canada.

The organization says it paid for the transportation in advance of the rally and confirmed its participation but says the company has declined to provide an explanation. UJA did not name the bus contractor.

"Given the absolute silence of the sub-contractor and with no other explanation, we are driven to the view that this shameful decision is intended to disrupt our peaceful rally out of hatred toward Jews," read a statement by Adam Minsky, president and CEO of UJA Federation of Greater Toronto.

"What happened today is sickening and outrageous. We will respond aggressively with every legal and public affairs tool at our disposal."

UJA says they are working with legal counsel and will be proceeding with 'strong, decisive actions' against the company.

Alternative travel arrangements were made and the rally is continuing as planned.

"Hate and discrimination against any community can never be tolerated in Canada," Minksy said. Top Stories

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