OC Transpo reported fewer people are taking the bus in the Capital as more people are opting to cycle, walk or drive.

“I don't take it often as I used to because I used to live out in the suburbs now I live downtown so I walk everywhere,” said Alex Maltby, Ottawa resident.

From January to June, OC Tranpo’s deficit was $2.4 million. The projected shortfall by the end of the year is $5.2 million.

OC Transpo said some things that have contributed to the decline in ridership are lower prices at the pumps and the hot and dry weather enticing more people to cycle and walk.

OC Transpo also points to Federal job cuts as a reason why fewer people are riding.

“I avoid it as much as possible. I find biking around the city is much faster way to get around and prices keep going up so that's a huge deterrent for me,” adds Maltby.

Others said service cuts to their routes have made it hard for them to commute on transit or that it’s simply not fast enough.

“If I can avoid taking the bus I usually do. The bus routes actually take longer to get from A to B then say for walking, biking or driving,” said Andrew Erlaneson.

Thousand still use the system regularly.

“I live in Stittsville. I take the bus everyday to come to work. It’s really very convenient for me and I avoid all the traffic going downtown,” said one rider.

OC Transpo said the deficit has nothing to do with the Presto Card delay since Metrolinx is covering those costs.

With a report from CTV’s Claudia Cautillo.