OTTAWA -- A group of Ottawa Councillors wants to open up Ottawa’s green spaces for residents to get some fresh air and exercise during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The seven Councillors sent a letter to Premier Doug Ford, Health Minister Christine Elliott and City of Ottawa City Manager Steve Kanellakos as the city looks at ways to ease the restrictions in parks.

“We are writing to ask that, in consultation with local boards of health, you reopen the green spaces in public parks as soon as possible,” said the letter released Tuesday afternoon.

“There are many low risk activities in parks that can be enjoyed while following physical distancing measures.”

The letter is signed by Councillors Shawn Menard, Riley Brockington, Catherine McKenney, Carol Anne Meehan, Rawlson King, Jeff Leiper and Theresa Kavanagh.

“Many residents have been struggling with physical and mental health without adequate space to physically distance while getting outside,” says the group of Councillors.

“Access to nature, open spaces and room for exercise are important and necessary coping strategies that are well documented to increase well-being and physiological resilience.”

On Monday, Mayor Jim Watson told CTV News Ottawa that staff are working on a plan to allow residents to enjoy green spaces.

“I’ve asked our staff, along with Keith Egli, the chair of Ottawa Public Health, to come back with a plan on how we can open up more parts of different parks throughout the city.”

The Mayor says city staff and Ottawa Public Health will “hopefully” release a plan in the next couple of days.

The City of Ottawa closed all parks, city park facilities, park equipment and waterfront areas in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a statement to CTV News Ottawa, General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department Dan Chenier says the “city has the authority to change its park closure provision in areas and spaces that do not have recreation amenities, and that are not part of the Provincial order.”

The Councillors are hoping Ottawa can relax the restrictions as the temperatures begin to warm up this spring, saying that “exercise, play and a connection to the outdoors are all important elements of health that should be facilitated.”

“We need public parks and greenspaces to reopen while ensuring guidelines for distancing.”