OTTAWA -- On the eve of the reopening of malls, salons and restaurant patios, Ottawa’s medical officer of health admits the rules for gatherings while practicing physical distancing can be “complex.”

So, Dr. Vera Etches is urging everyone to continue to limit their contacts as much as possible and continue to practice physical distancing to help limit the spread of COVID-19.

On Friday, malls, salons and restaurant patios can open with physical distancing guidelines in place. The limit on social gatherings will be expanded from five people to 10.

When asked by CTV Morning Live host Annette Goerner Thursday morning about the rules for expanding your social circle or meeting up on a patio while practicing physical distancing, Dr. Etches said, “So I think this is where it does get complex and it’s good to go back to the basics.”

“The smaller the gathering the better. The closer the contact you have with somebody else, the higher the risk of transmission. If you are going to increase you contacts, you’re going to gather with others, then keeping that small group as small as possible, to the same people as much as possible will help us keep the transmission of the virus in our community under control.”

Dr. Etches says the advice from the Ontario Government is keeping a close contact with your members of your household and practice physical distancing with contacts outside your home.

On Wednesday, the medical officer of health told Council the COVID-19 situation in Ottawa is “good,” with the total number of new cases and hospitalizations declining.

On Thursday, host Annette Goerner asked Dr. Etches if she’s worried people may forget we’re in the middle of the pandemic as the COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed.

“I would like to remind Ottawans that it’s their hard work that’s got us to this place, and we do have some things we need to continue doing,” said Dr. Etches.

“Things will change. What’s legal, what’s not legal, but what doesn’t change is that we need to be COVID wise.”

Dr. Etches explained what “COVID wise" means.

W – Wear a mask

I – Isolate when sick

S – Stay two metres apart from others

E – Exercise proper hand-hygiene

As you make plans to expand social connections during the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Etches recommends making informed choices about your interactions.

“What I’m hoping people in Ottawa will do is build their skills to assess for themselves is this level of risk something that makes sense for me, given my medical conditions, the people I live with,” said Dr. Etches.

“Those principles to make an informed choice about how we expand our contacts are still the same. As few as possible, keeping them the same contacts as much as possible, smaller gatherings, less close contact and outdoors as much as possible.”