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A traditional holiday meal for four to six people will cost $104.85 on average.

The average cost of a traditional Christmas dinner for four to six people is on the rise. The average cost of a traditional Christmas dinner for four to six people is on the rise.

Christmas is less than two weeks away and many people are already shopping for their holiday dinners, but with the rising cost of food, it will be more expensive this year to put that turkey dinner on the table.

According to Dalhousie University's Agri-Food analytics lab, the cost of hosting a meal is up once again.

"The increases are across the board, the bird itself along with sides," said Sylvain Charlebois, of the Agri-Food Analytics Lab.

A traditional holiday meal for four to six people will cost about $104.85 on average.

"I can afford the more expensive meals, but I feel bad for all kinds of people that can't afford those kinds of increases," said Rick Trifunov, an Ottawa resident who is hosting a holiday dinner this year.

The most costly item on the list is the traditional turkey.

"The average cost for a five kilo turkey is anywhere between $33 to $35, but I've actually seen prices as low as $29," said Charlebois.

Turkey is up 5 per cent this year, potatoes are up 6.6 per cent, and carrots are up 12.8 per cent.

"We have options beyond turkey," said Charlebois. "We have ham, chicken and those tend to be less expensive so people can actually consider those sources."

Many are also getting creative to save a few dollars.

"We are looking at ways that you can save money. That includes buying some of the No Name brands," said Mike Smith. "I find we are definitely are eating in around the holidays, not going out to restaurants, those types of things."

Experts say posting a potluck is also an affordable option. Many guests are often willing to pitch in to help during the holidays. Top Stories

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