Research scientists at CHEO are studying the impact of too much weight gain during pregnancy on the baby.

Dr. Kristi Adamo is leading the Maternal Obesity Management (MOM) trial at CHEO.

Dr. Adamo says, "The idea behind the MOM trial is we are trying to limit the excessive pregnancy weight gain.”

She says pregnant woman should eat, on average, an extra 300 calories a day.

“That might be an apple and a piece of toast,” says Dr. Adamo.

Dr. Adamo also says that all pregnant women should be physically active unless there is a medical reason to avoid exercise.

She says women who gain too much weight during pregnancy are at risk of gestational diabetes and high blood pressure. And now her study shows an apparent link between the mom’s weight gain and the baby's risk for obesity.

"Those babies follow a poor growth trajectory, so they often stay overweight or obese in preschool, elementary school, adolescence and that tracks into adulthood.

Dr. Adamo says a lean woman can safely gain between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy. Women who are overweight or obese should gain less.

CTV's Natalie Pierosara will have more on this story tonight at six.