Ottawa police are looking for two men in connection with a home robbery that happened on Rosemere Avenue on Saturday, on the east side of Ottawa's downtown.

The incident happened around 11:20 p.m. when two men entered the house, police said, binding two of the people inside and hitting the third with a handgun.

The men left with a cell phone and some cash. The three people inside the house were not injured.

Descriptions released are:

  • Male, olive-skinned, 25 to 27 years old, six feet two inches, slicked-back dark hair. At the time of the incident he was wearing jeans, a T-shirt with a red design and a red bandana over his face. He is described as the one using the handgun.
  • Male, olive-skinned, 23 to 27 years old, five feet 11 inches, heavy build. At the time of the incident he was wearing jeans, a T-shirt with a white design, and a white bandana over his face.

Anyone with information should contact Ottawa police at 613-236-1222 ext. 5116 or Crime Stoppers at 613-233-8477 (TIPS).