In the rough-and-tumble world of hockey, two young female players are leaving their skate marks on the ice - standing out among their male peers.

Right now, 12-year-old Samantha Cogan is the only girl on the Major Peewee AA Ottawa Sting. She stands fourth in scoring and leads the squad in assists.

Coach John Hladkowicz says she's always three steps ahead of the play.

"That's what's made her such a great playmaker," he says. "She's a great leader on the team as well - just with her dedication to the team, her work ethic."

One of Samantha's friends is Lindsay Eastman, the lone female player on the blueline for the Kanata Blazers.

"It feels pretty good doing your job out there," says Lindsay. "I'm defence, so when you're on the back end you've got to lay some hits."

Both girls have their eyes peeled on Vancouver Olympic hockey play next year, as they dream of stepping out onto international ice themselves someday.

"It would be like a dream come true if me and her were playing on the same team in the Olympics," adds Samantha. "That would be really good."

With a report from CTV Ottawa's Jonathan Rotondo