Issues facing tenants were the topic of discussion at city hall Saturday.

Participants in the city's second tenants' conference heard that renters make up 40 per cent of Ottawa households and pay a disproportionate amount in property taxes.

"Tenants pay 80 per cent more property taxes through their rents than a homeowner of a comparable unit, so that's one thing we could be looking at and I hope we will," said Rob MacDonald, Tenants' Conference organizer.

"If tenants were to mobilize, say as a political lobbying group, just think of the clout they would have."

Ottawa Councillor Alex Cullen was also on hand to encourage people who rent to get more politically active and let politicians know how they feel about the issues that affect them. 

Cullen is promising to bring forward a motion at city council next Wednesday that would lower the share of taxes renters pay from a ratio of 1.8 to 1.75.

If approved, it could nudge up the property tax increase for homeowners by .2 per cent.

Other topics discussed Saturday included rent control and the state social housing.