OTTAWA -- There has been an increase in collisions on Highway 417 eastbound at Parkdale, according to the OPP and they are reminding motorists to slow down in construction zones. 

“It’s all adding up to maybe four to six collisions a day, and in the last week or so we’ve had fifty collisions in that area,” says Bill Dickson, OPP Eastern Ontario Media Relations Co-ordinator.

Collisions, Dickson says, that are avoidable, 

“What we’re seeing is basically - aggressive driving, speeding, and inattention.”

Brian McKenzie-Thompson drives through that section daily, and thinks drivers are just not paying attention.

“Yesterday I saw four (collisions) in total, two on my way in—actually, I guess five, because three on the way home. Nobody really understands that there’s construction coming up, and everyone kind of just piles up into a big jam, and that’s how accidents start,” he said.

That section of highway has ongoing construction, including a lane closure. The construction zone has a reduced speed limit of 80 km/h. 

Queensway construction

McKenzie-Thompson says drivers just aren’t slowing down.

“I’d be driving to work, just a little over 80, and there’s people flying by me, like it’s a race,” he said.

The OPP is taking steps to try to reduce the collisions and save lives.

“We are stepping up our enforcement in that zone, to make sure that everyone remains safe,” says Dickson. He reminds drivers that fines through construction zones are higher.

“If you are driving more than 80km/h in a construction zone, not only could you face the regular fine, you could also face a fine that is doubled when construction workers are there.”

Good advice, says McKenzie-Thompson,

“You have to take your time through construction zones.”