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Ottawa baby makes his grand appearance in Queensway Carleton Hospital hallway


An Ottawa family has a story for a lifetime after delivering their newborn in the hallway of the Queensway Carleton Hospital.

On Aug. 4, Moon Li and Alex Prevost knew their second child was going to be born.

The couple got in their car to make the 25 minute drive from their Riverside South home to the hospital just in the nick of time.

"I was trying to hold it like, 'No not here, not here,'" Li recalls. "I think the baby is coming!"

Prevost says he parked the car at 4:17 p.m. and ran into the hospital to get a wheelchair. With three to four nurse in tow, the couple burst through the doors headed for the elevator.

"I felt a pop," says Li. 

"Then the nurse looked at her pants and there was a bulge and then we all stopped," her husband says. "She said, 'Stop the wheelchair, I think we're going to have to give birth on the floor.'"

"They said, 'Momma we gotta push,'" says Li. "And I just pushed and the baby came out and they put him on me and the blood was all on my face."

It was a rush of a lifetime for the now two-time parents. They say they were told labour for the second child usually goes faster than the first. However, they weren't expecting it to be this fast.

"Then at 4:25 p.m. the baby comes and we never made it to the birthing centre," says Prevost. "We were next to the elevator lobby and Moon gave the baby right there."

Li and their second son are doing well.

They chose the name Miles Valentine Prevost. Prevost liked the name Miles - in tribute to Miles Davis - and wanted to give his son the initials M.V.P.

They also settled on the middle name of Valentine about a month before he was born.

"We wanted him to arrive on the due date because that day is also Chinese Valentine's Day," says Moon, who adds the couple didn't even realize the connection until days before the delivery.

"We almost made it, almost." Top Stories

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