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Driver caught going nearly double the speed limit on Highway 416

OPP say a driver was clocked at 191 km/h on Highway 416, south of Ottawa, on Saturday, Dec. 4, 2021. (OPP East Region/Twitter) OPP say a driver was clocked at 191 km/h on Highway 416, south of Ottawa, on Saturday, Dec. 4, 2021. (OPP East Region/Twitter)

Ontario Provincial Police are urging drivers to keep extreme speeds at the racetrack after a driver was caught going nearly double the speed limit on Highway 416, south of Ottawa.

In an email, police said the driver, a 24-year-old man, was pulled over in the Edwardsburgh/Cardinal area just north of Highway 401 Saturday morning and issued a stunt driving charge.

"Speeds like this are absolutely dangerous, keep it at the race track," police said on Twitter.

The driver was also alleged to have blown an alert on a roadside breath test.

Stunt driving tickets come with an automatic 30-day licence suspension and a 14-day vehicle impound. The breath alert includes a separate three-day licence suspension, which police said in an email is concurrent with the 30-day stunt driving suspension. Top Stories

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