One Ottawa city councillor and a group of architects are calling for the city to squash a plan to bring CFL back to the capital, and consider other options for the redevelopment of Lansdowne Park.

Coun. Clive Doucet says it's a mistake to rush ahead with redeveloping the site in order to meet a CFL deadline. Instead, he says the city must consider other options for Lansdowne Park and restart a design competition for developing the area.

"The message from the public from Orleans to Kanata has been really clear, we should not be deciding the fate of Lansdowne Park based on 10 football games a year," said Doucet.

The Lansdowne Live plan, which is spearheaded by Ottawa 67's owner Jeff Hunt, would rebuild a future for professional football in the capital.

The plan includes building a world class sports and entertainment stadium, a refurbished arena, an aquarium, exhibition space, an amphitheatre, formal gardens and ponds, shopping, a home for the Farmer's Market and a new hotel.

City council will decide whether to resume the design competition or approve the Lansdowne Live bid next month.