There's no alcohol allowed yet, and the mosquitoes are out in full-force. But so far, camping and outdoor enthusiasts are pumped about the possibility of escaping outside as provincial campgrounds and parks open up to visitors for the first time this year.

"Right now there is an alcohol ban in effect," says Assistant Superintendant Derek Andrechek, who has worked provincial parks for five seasons now. "You won't be able to bring alcohol into the park until after the Victoria Day weekend."

You can also get a ticket for picking flowers, keeping your dog off-leash, fireworks and bringing in wood outside of the local area. (That last measure is put in protection to avoid new types of bugs entering the park and disrupting the ecosystem.)

Despite the rules, camp lovers say it's a great chance to get out of the city and enjoy the great outdoors.

"You're not at home worrying about doing the dishes, cutting grass or doing your yard work," says one. "The kids actually enjoy the outdoors. Their not playing their Nintendos or doing anything like that."

With a report from CTV Ottawa's Stefan Keyes