A new organic composting program is set to hit Ottawa next fall and council is divided about how often the city should pick up garbage.

Councillors can't decide whether to keep picking up garbage on a weekly basis until 2012, or switch to picking it up twice a month.

The change would come in March 2010, six months after the organic composting program is implemented.

Although the issue is divisive, some councillors say they're all for the twice-a-month collection.

"It's saving a million dollars, and it's boosting our diversion rate. It's saving landfill space, which is where I think the public is at," said Coun. Peter Hume. "It's hard to understand where the reluctance is to move forward."

Parents of small children are worried about twice-a-month garbage collection, as stinky diapers would be sticking around the house for longer.

Council is considering a program where registered parents would have their diapers collected once a week. The diapers would still end up in the landfill, like they do now.

The city's composting is set to end up at a facility in Greely, south of Ottawa, which is also causing controversy, as some residents are concerned their well water will become contaminated.

"Once you contaminate the land, you're finished," Mark Scarf of the Ramsayville Community Association told CTV Ottawa. "You've got the spray going onto the cucumbers, you've got all the cattle that are drinking the water, you've got major, major environmental concerns."

The frequency of garbage service is set to go before Council on Aug. 28.

With a report from CTV Ottawa's Jonathan Rotondo