This weekend's warmer weather has some knee-deep in water.

Water is running right over a bridge on Ray Wilson Road near Kenmore south-east of Ottawa.

Nearby residents said the low-profile crossing was built for cost-saving purposes.

While flooding isn't unusual in the area, resident Wendell Clark said it could take a while before he can cross dry land.

"It may last for a week or more or until all the snow is gone. You can't see the ground in the fields yet, we really got a lot of snow," he said.

Down the road, with a yard that looks more like a lake these days, Roger Deschambeault is thankful his home doesn't have a basement. But he said his new neighbour's home does.

"I feel bad because when your basement floods, it ruins your house. He just moved here, I guess he didn't know how it was," he said.

Flooding started in the area once temperatures began to rise about a week ago. Without city crews to clear backed-up drains, Deschambeault said the problem is only going to get worse.

The City of Ottawa has several depots in which residents can pick up sandbags.

To help prevent basement flooding, the city also recommends residents make sure catch basins and drains are open and free of snow and ice. Residents are asked to call the city at 311 if they notice water building up on roads and so city can dispatch crews to investigate.

Officials stress that residents should not try to open manhole covers, as this will likely cause sewer back ups.