Three men from Brockville have been charged in a string of break-and-enters in North Frontenac in May.

OPP said nine seasonal homes and three vehicles in the Palmerston Lake area were broken into during the night of May 20.

The three forced their way inside, damaging furniture and other property; a total of approximately $25,000 damage was reported, according to police.

Eighteen-year-old Lucas Burchell is charged with nine counts of break and enter with intent to commit an indictable offence, three counts of mischief under $5,000 and three counts of possession of property obtained by crime.

Nineteen-year-old Brett Denis and 18-year-old Keith Ditchburn are facing the same charges, except only two counts of possession of property obtained by crime.

The trio appeared in Sharbot Lake court on Monday.

Palmerston Lake is about 120 kilometres southwest of Ottawa.