Just over a month to Christmas Eve and there is no doubt that tech is going to be a part of Christmas. In fact, it's likely to have a bigger role than ever.

Recently, the 17th annual survey of top 10 Christmas wishes was released. Once again topping the list is the wish for peace and happiness. Then it moves right into tech.

The second most popular wish is for a notebook or laptop. Wish three is for an iPad; wish five is for an e-book reader and wish nine is a video game system.

Money is the 10th choice for a Christmas gift.

The survey is done by the Consumer Electronics Association in the U.S.

"I am not surprised by the items on the list. They are the ones we see already as big sellers," said Jim Barry, who works for the Consumer Electronics Association. "Consumer electronics items cover a huge price spectrum, they have become a key part of how we live our lives every day and so people are looking to spend more money than ever on tech gifts."

Barry says big screen TV prices are falling and will continue to do so. He said now is the best time ever to buy a TV.

As for complaints from consumers about new technology not working or having bugs and glitches, Barry said companies often don't realize these issues exist.

"This is a very competitive business and there is a rush to get to market first,' said Barry. "I think that they do try to ensure the products do work."