OTTAWA - A warning from the RCMP about scammers using fake phone numbers to steal from unsuspecting victims.

The practice is called ‘spoofing.’ It involves fraudulent callers using numbers that appear to be coming from an RCMP detachment and ask for money.

The callers use a ‘Caller ID’ disguising telephone numbers appearing on a caller ID display.

The scammers say there is a warrant out for the victim’s arrest, and ask for banking information to settle the case. Sometimes callers ask for a Social Insurance Number (SIN) or the last three digits of the SIN.  

There have been reports of this crime involving several RCMP offices across Ontario.

The RCMP would never contact people by telephone to collect fines or taxes. 

If you have received similar telephone calls or know of someone who has, please contact your local police and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501.