A proposal to send junior kindergarten students from First Avenue Public School to another school almost a kilometre away will be the hot topic at Thursday's school board meeting.

Staff recommended the plan in a bid to address overcrowding at First Avenue.

If approved, JK students would be sent 925 metres down the road to Mutchmor Public School.

They would then return to First Avenue for senior kindergarten.

The school board is dealing with overcrowding issues in several neighbourhoods across the city, including the Glebe, Old Ottawa South, and Centretown.

Some of the accommodation pressures come from popular French Immersion programs at First Avenue and Hopewell Avenue Public School. Both schools are near or over capacity due to high enrollment in the programs.

Staff members are calling for an "Accommodation Pressures in the Glebe, Old Ottawa South and Centretown" study for the 2012-2013 school year.