There are some familiar places included in the names of Ottawa's planned LRT Stations. But what about Pimisi? Any idea where that is?
Pimisi will be the new station currently known as LeBreton Station.
Ottawa's Transit Commission voted to accept 13 names today, that included one name that pays tribute to the Algonquins of Ontario. The Commisson agreed to give the LeBreton site a name chosen by the Algonquins of Ontario, for its significance as a sacred gathering place.
Pimisi means "eel" in the language of the Algonquin and is considered sacred.
Many of the names of the stayions will remain unchanged when light rail is completed; stations like Tunney's Pasture, Bayview and St. Laurent. Downtown station names along the tunnel route were also decided today. They will be known as Lyon, Parliament and Rideau.
The Transit Commission also approved the sleek red and white designs for the new trains.