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Ottawa, Renfrew top doctors will continue wearing masks indoors when Ontario's mask mandate ends

Ottawa's medical officer of health Dr. Vera Etches (2020). Ottawa's medical officer of health Dr. Vera Etches (2020).

The top doctors in Ottawa and Renfrew County will continue to wear a mask in all indoor public settings after mask mandates are lifted across the province next week.

The Ontario government is lifting mandatory mask requirements in most public settings across Ontario on Monday, including public schools, restaurants and bars, stores and cinemas. Masks will be mandatory in health care settings, long-term care and retirement homes, congregate care settings, shelters and public transit.

CTV News Ottawa reached out to the medical officers of health in Ottawa and eastern Ontario to ask if they will continue to wear a mask in indoor public settings.

Both Ottawa medical officer of health Dr. Vera Etches and Renfrew County's acting medical officer of health Dr. Robert Cushman say they will continue masking indoors at all times.

"I will continue to practice indoors where physical distancing is difficult," Etches said in a video message on Friday.

"If you keep a mask with you, you'll always have that option."

A statement from Ottawa Public Health to CTV News Ottawa said Etches will continue to wear a mask in indoor public spaces as COVID-19 "is still present in our community at a relatively high level."

"It is important that we respect and support each other during this time of change and transition. What may be lower risk for one, is a higher risk for another. Kindness and understanding will get us through this next chapter," OPH said.

Dr. Cushman says he will continue to wear a mask until reassessing the situation in mid-April.

"March has some challenges: winter, March Break, travel, etc.," Cushman said in an email to CTV News Ottawa.

Cushman notes the Renfrew County and District Health Unit is two-to-three weeks behind the COVID-19 situation in Toronto.

"Our important numbers are plateauing and showing signs of a downswing but still a concern. Not to mention the amount of COVID circulating in Ontario and worldwide," Cushman said.

Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington medical officer of health Dr. Piotr Oglaza says he will wear a mask indoors "when warranted in specific circumstances."

"When interacting directly with those who may have increased health concerns or live in congregate settings," Oglaza said in a statement.

Leeds, Grenville and Lanark medical officer of health Dr. Paula Stewart says she will continue to follow the advice the health unit has been giving to the community.

"We advise that everyone do an assessment of their own risk of COVID-19, and the risk of others, in a particular situation, and then choose layers of protection they would like to use, including a well fitted mask," Stewart said. 

"A well fitted high quality mask, like an approved medical mask or N95, provides protection for the person wearing the mask and others with whom they are in close contact."

Eastern Ontario medical officer of health Dr. Paul Roumeliotis said in a statement Friday evening that he will continue to wear a mask "when I find myself in crowded indoor spaces or poorly ventilated places."

Roumeliotis recommends residents continue to wear masks in situations where the risk of transmission is higher. Top Stories

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