An Ottawa man is recounting scary moments on a Frontier Airlines flight from Las Vegas to Tampa, Florida Friday morning.

The plane left McCarran International Airport just after 7 a.m. in Las Vegas, but had to quickly return because of ‘engine concerns.’ The airline says a section of an engine cover called a cowling came loose and separated from the aircraft.

Ottawa resident Matt Kaunisviita, who also works at TSN 1200, was on board. He says passengers began screaming when they looked out the window during takeoff and saw part of the engine come loose.

“I’m on the left side. Everyone on the right side, as we’re picking up speed and not even lifted off yet, everyone starts freaking out. They’re all yelling stop, stop stop. People are jumping up and down,” said Kaunisvitta. “We end up taking off. People on the right side are just losing their minds.”

The plane managed to taxi back to the gate. There were 166 people on board, including passengers and crew.

No one was hurt.