OTTAWA - Today, the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) received a call from a member of the community wanting to verify the existence of an Ottawa Police online survey offering gifts to anyone who completes it. OPS does not have a survey offering gifts.

The misleading survey asks participants to pay a shipping fee to receive their free gift (e.g. iPod shuffle, skin care products or other).

It should be noted that the Ottawa Police did push out an online survey on November 19th to seek public feedback for our website redesign. The OPS survey closed at midnight on December 2, 2013.

If you receive an invitation to complete a survey labeled as 'Official Survey: Ottawa Police' using links or pop-up messages with the mastheads seen attached to this article please do not respond, as this is not an Ottawa Police survey. The footnote on the survey states in that the authors "are not affiliated nor partnered with".

To avoid false surveys about Ottawa Police, please note that:

  • Ottawa Police will always include a logo on any official surveys or messages;
  • To verify any surveys, please double check our website as we will always advertise any ongoing surveys on; and
  • All official Ottawa Police surveys are bilingual.