If you haven't paid attention to Google late, you might have lost track of how many projects the company is into.

The G1 is the first cell phone with an operating system developed by Google. Having that brand name in the product is enough to create a buzz, but when combined with the Apple iPhone, observers are beginning to see a major change for customers.

"You can do a lot of stuff that you probably only thought you could do on a personal computer," said Rob Enderle of The Enderle Group.

In the past, cell phone makers created their own web browsers, e-mail programs, and games - usually with poor results.

But times have changed.

Apple and Google have entered the fray - two companies that make popular, easy-to-use technology. And faster data networks have made wireless web surfing an easier process.

Much like Microsoft rode the personal computer wave, Google is hitching its name to so-called "smart phones" in hopes of similar dominance.

For consumers, all this cell phone innovation may make life more productive, more interesting, and a little more fun.

With a report from CTV Ottawa's Kate Eggins