OTTAWA -- The Council seat in Cumberland ward will remain empty until after the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions are lifted.

Council voted unanimously to defer a decision on filling the seat left vacant by Stephen Blais resignation until Ontario’s state of emergency is lifted.

Several Councillors expressed support for holding a byelection in Cumberland ward.

In a report for Council, City Solicitor Rick O’Connor said Council had three options for filling the seat:

  • Defer the decision on whether to appoint or hold a byelection until more certainty is established on the state of emergency
  • Appoint someone to fill the vacancy by vote at Council
  • Pass a bylaw to conduct a byelection in the fall. O’Connor had proposed a byelection for October 5.

Blais resigned the seat in March after winning the provincial byelection in Orleans.

The cost of a byelection to fill the seat in Cumberland ward would be approximately $375,000.

O’Connor told Council that both Cambridge and Windsor have had to suspend byelections due to the COVID-19 pandemic.