A hockey legend is in Ottawa this weekend, sending a message to parents that they can control how much fun their kids have on the ice.

Bobby Orr is at the Nepean Sportsplex for the Chevrolet Safe & Fun Hockey festival, aiming to teach parents encouragement skills as well as helping kids on the ice.

"I think back to my minor hockey days and they are some of my fondest memories,” he said Saturday.

"What parents need to understand is that 0.00075 per cent of all kids playing hockey (make it to) the NHL, so why are these kids playing and why are you involved in the sport?"

The Hockey Hall of Famer's message, that kids should play in a safe and fun environment, resounded with parents at the session.

"It's very important to have a big player endorse respect and safe play on the ice," said one.

"That's what we tell our kids, to have fun and don't worry about how you play," another said.

With activities like throwing rubber chickens at coaches serving to keep players’ attention and lighten the mood, it looked like that message was sinking in.

With a report from CTV Ottawa’s Stefanie Masotti