The case of an Ottawa landlord accused of fire code violations has been delayed four additional months while 90 burnt-out businesses struggle to rebuild.

Fire fighters also remain concerned about potential asbestos exposure after the March 10 blaze at 2660 Southvale Cr. in the city's southeast end. Damages were estimated at $5 million.

Vipul Mody's lawyer appeared in court Thursday to discuss six charges of breaching the Ontario Fire Protection and Prevention Act. The case was put over until Nov. 19.

Tenants have been told that cleanup could take another year. Only the landlord can let them out of their leases, which hasn't happened yet.

"I'm angry and I'm frustrated," said Diane Hayes of Kelly's Mastectomy Boutique, whose sister-in-law inspired the store.

"There's a protection agency for when you have a home or apartment, but when you have a commercial lease there is nothing. You need to rely on your own resources."

Hayes has spent $2,000 in legal retainer fees but remains bound by her lease.

Asbestos was discovered in the building one month after the fire, raising fresh safety concerns for the 47 firefighters who helped douse the flames.

With a report from CTV Ottawa's Kimothy Walker