Hockey fans in Ottawa were beaming Thursday as Stanley Cup champion Ben Eager brought the Cup home.

The Ottawa native says even though he's a Stanley Cup champion, it still doesn't feel real.

"It's all a dream right now, but it's pretty cool when it shows up at your house and you have it for a day. It's been quite the ride," Eager told CTV Ottawa on Thursday.

"It's a pretty trophy and you know it's been a great feeling, winning the Cup and winning with the guys we had on our team. It was a special year and this is a nice way to end things off."

Eager was traded from the Chicago Blackhawks to the Atlanta Thrashers after the team won the trophy. But with the Cup at home in Ottawa, he says he's still a Blackhawk – at least for today.

"In my mind I had a great year with them. After today, we'll get focused on Atlanta, but it's a special way to celebrate it, especially as a Blackhawk today."

For Eager, the day was emotional and sharing the Cup with his hometown is something he'll never forget.

The Cup visited his grandfather's retirement home in Kemptville, as well as Brantwood Park where Eager's hockey dream began.

"The kids actually cleared the ice themselves," said Rosemary Graves, Eager's mom.

The Cup will finish its tour of Ottawa with a barbeque and an appearance at a friend's bar, which hasn't been named.

"We want to get Stanley around and show him off and let everyone see him and get some pictures with it," said Eager.

With a report from CTV Ottawa's Catherine Lathem