The most valuable thing that Julie Keon has left of her grandparents is several sheets of aged paper in a box covered by pastel roses.
Written on this paper, in ink faded by time, are dozens of love letters exchanged by Keon's grandparents, Eldon and Pearl, who got married in June 1940.
The couple was forced to live apart from one another several times throughout their courtship and subsequent marriage due to harrowing realities such as the Second World War and poor job prospects.
When not together physically, the couple maintained their bond through their letters.
"Dearest...," the letters would begin, before relaying information about what was going on at home or abroad.
They would always end with, "Love…"
Her grandparents' correspondence inspired Keon to revive the art of letter writing, something that has been lost in today's world of juiced-up communications technology.
"It's important we write letters because it's history and the stories of our lives," said Keon.
Keon writes about seven letters a week and receives around 14. She also runs an online blog that documents her efforts to bring back letter-writing, such as shadowing letter carriers and connecting kids to pen pals.
Her blog has received 18, 000 hits from around the world.
Keon said she wants to make sure that future generations can experience the intimate connection and warm anticipation that comes from sending and receiving letters.
"What happens if the next generation never writes a letter?" Keon asked. "It's such a link to the past and to history."
The Letter Writing Revolution
Julie Keon's blog - Revitalizing a Lost Art One Letter at a Time