An 11-year-old Sudbury boy is shaking up the hockey world with a video he made two years ago about how adults treat children at the hockey rink.

In the video, posted on YouTube, Miller Donnelly says he's noticed adults treat him aggressively as soon as he puts his helmet on and hits the ice.

"When I put it on, it changes me from a nine-year-old boy to a 20-year-old man. There are no puffs of smoke, no lightning bolts and it needs no magic wands. It just makes me older, much older - just ask all the adults in the stands," Donnelly said in the video.

"The minute I put on my magic helmet and step on the ice, adults treat me much differently. They yell at me, they curse me and they call me names," he said.

Donnelly, who was wearing an Ottawa 67's T-shirt in the video, has been invited to a 67's game in early January.