OTTAWA -- Visitors are being welcomed back to all hospitals in Ottawa, with rules in place on total number of visitors, visitation lengths and wearing a face mask.

Hospitals in the Ottawa area are taking a "gradual approach" to welcome more visitors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since March, only visits from essential caregivers and other visitors for compassionate reasons were allowed.

The Ottawa Hospital, Montfort Hospital, Queensway-Carleton Hospital, The Royal, Bruyere and the University of Ottawa Heart Institute each have a visitor policy tailored to the needs of the facility.

Ottawa Hospital

The Ottawa Hospital says patients admitted to the hospital can identify a maximum of two total visitors. Patients can have one visit with one person each day, and visits can last up to one hour.

All visits must be scheduled in advance.

When you visit the hospital, you are asked to wear a cloth mask. A mask will be provided if you don't have one.


Bruyere says it's now accepting indoor visitors at Saint-Vincent Hospital and Elisabeth Bruyere Hospital.

Visits will be for one hour maximum with one visitor permitted at a time. Bruyere says multiple visitors cannot split the hour-long timeslot.

Visitors will be required to wear a mask throughout the visit, and are asked to respect the two metre physical distancing guidelines.

Visiting hours are from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Montfort Hospital

Montfort Hospital says a patient or their loved ones can designate up to two people to visit on a rotating basis. Only one visitor is allowed at a time.

A surgical mask will be provided at the main entrance.

The Royal

The Royal says inpatients are permitted one visitor at a time and all visits must be pre-scheduled.

If the visit takes place indoors, the visitor must wear a mask.

The University of Ottawa Heart Institute

The University of Ottawa Heart Institute says visitation will be at the discretion of the unit manager and the patient's care team.

You must wear a face mask while in the hospital, and wash your hands or use hand sanitizer when you enter and leave the hospital.

Queensway-Carleton Hospital

The Queensway-Carleton Hospital says visits may last up to one hour, and must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. Each visitor will be contacted to schedule a time and date for the visit.

You must wear a face mask at all times during your visit.

Visitors are not allowed in the Emergency Department at this time.