An Ottawa couple had been planning to spend this week packing boxes and getting ready for a move across the province. Instead, they are adjusting to their sudden new status as parents, after welcoming a baby boy they didn't even know was on the way.

On Sunday night, Kendra Reid, 23, says she was having trouble sleeping and feeling cramps when she decided to tiptoe to the bathroom without disturbing her fiancé, Mitch Stone, 33.

The cramping began to get worse, Reid says, and she started sweating.

"And then, after a little bit of sweat, I look down and see just this full head of hair. And immediately I realized what was going down," Reid told CTV Ottawa Monday afternoon. "One push later, out pops the baby right into the toilet."

Reid quickly retrieved the child -- a full-term, 8-pound, 2 ounce healthy baby boy. Now, the new mother and her fiancé are trying to figure out how they could have realized she was pregnant.

Reid says she's always had irregular periods and hadn't been feeling anything unusual over the last nine months. She had noticed she was putting on some weight, but "truth be told, I just thought I was getting fat," Reid says.

"I looked a little off, in hindsight. It never occurred to me that it could be anything other than weight gain. So it was quite the shock," she says.

A quiet, symptom-free pregnancy is unusual in itself, but the birth was even more unusual. Reid says the only thing she felt during the labour were some pangs "that didn't hurt that much."

"It seemed to happen very quick. The whole process might have taken a couple of hours. But the actual (delivery) itself was over in minutes," she says.

As she sat on the bathroom floor after the delivery, she says "there were a million things" going through her mind.

"I just wanted to know that he (the baby) was safe, warm, and healthy. And I wanted my fiancé to wake up."

Reid screamed for Stone to help her. He awoke with a start and raced to a scene he was not expecting.

"At first, I froze. I was like, 'Nah, this can't be real'," he says.

"At first I thought this was a rubber doll of a baby that she was going to throw at me and start laughing. And then when I saw the umbilical cord, I started screaming, 'Oh my god. It's a baby!' It was so surreal."

Stone immediately began running around, looking for a towel to wrap the baby in and calling 911. When the ambulance arrived a few minutes later, he even ran out into the street in his underwear and flagged the ambulance down.

Stone says he too had no idea his fiancée was pregnant.

"Especially because she barely had no stomach," he says. "It slightly looked like she had gained a couple of pounds overweight. And then you run into the bathroom and she was pulling out a baby boy."

The couple says they had heard of surprise births before, but couldn't understand how they could ever happen.

"I've watched that show, 'I Didn't Know I was Pregnant.' And I always used to make fun of it, thinking how could you never know you were pregnant? And all of a sudden, I realize it's actually a lot easier to have that happen to you than you'd think," says Reid.

The couple's baby appears to be healthy and happy and after a full day at the hospital, the first-time parents are now trying to figure out how to adjust to the sudden change in their lives.

Despite the shock, Stone says he couldn’t be happier.

"For me, children are a blessing even though this was not expected. This is the most amazing thing that can happen to you," he says.

The couple had planned to move to Reid's home town of Sudbury on Friday where Stone wants to pursue his career as an audio engineer. Those plans are on hold. For now, they have a bigger worry: what to name their new son. They still have no ideas but say they "are open to suggestions."