OTTAWA -- The LGBT Purge Fund has unveiled plans to build a new LGBTQ2+ national monument in Ottawa.

The $8 million fund will memorialize discrimination against LGBTQ2+ people, including the period known as the LGBT Purge. On Thursday, the National Capital Commission’s Board of Directors will consider a proposal for the allocation of land for the new monument.

In a statement, LGBT Purge Fund Chair Martine Roy said “the LGBTQ2+ National Monument will memorialize discrimination against LGBTQ2+ people and leave a lasting impact in the hearts and minds of those who visit it.”

The LGBT Purge Fund will cover the estimated $8 million cost of the monument. The funds for the monument come from a class action lawsuit settlement.

The construction of the monument has been mandated by a Federal Court of Canada order.

Once the NCC’s Board of Directors approves the land, the Department of Canadian Heritage will coordinate an international design process and hold public consultations on the monument’s design.

LGBT Purge Fund Executive Director Michelle Douglas says “more than a symbol, building a permanent monument to mark the discrimination experienced by LGBTQ2+ Canadians will create opportunities to educate and inspire its visitors.”

The LGBT Purge Fund was established in 2018 to manage funds provided for the settlement of a class action lawsuit between the Federal Government and members of the LGBT community who were employed by the Canadian Armed Forces, the RCMP, and the Canadian federal public service.