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How Ottawa Public Health plans to vaccinate 77,000 children against COVID-19

The COVID-19 vaccine immunization clinic at the Nepean Sportsplex in Ottawa, Ont. (CTV News Ottawa) The COVID-19 vaccine immunization clinic at the Nepean Sportsplex in Ottawa, Ont. (CTV News Ottawa)

Ottawa Public Health officials say they will be able to offer the COVID-19 vaccine to all children aged five to 11 within four weeks of getting provincial approval.

The health unit outlined its strategy for vaccinating about 77,000 children in that age group, expected to become eligible for the shot in the coming weeks, at a board of health meeting Monday night.

“Our operation will focus rapidly on vaccinating as many five to 11 year-olds as possible,” said Marie-Claude Turcotte, who manages Ottawa Public Health’s vaccine program. “Our team is ready and able to meet the additional demand.”

Pfizer has formally asked Health Canada for approval of its COVID-19 vaccine for children ages five to 11. Once it’s approved and the province gives the green light, Ottawa Public Health will quickly scale up its vaccine rollout.

Mass immunization clinics will scale up to seven across the city, open seven days a week. Parents will be able to book appointments for their children at those clinics through the provincial booking system.

Officials are also planning school pop-up clinics after school hours; an average of 25 per week. Those will start no more than a week after the vaccine is approved for children.

There will also be 10 additional neighbourhood hubs.

Ottawa Public Health-led clinics will be able to administer more than 36,000 doses per week. The goal, Turcotte said, is to reach a 90 per cent vaccination rate.

Clinics will be kid-friendly

Part of Ottawa Public Health’s efforts will be to help inform parents about the vaccine and address any concerns they may have.

“We're giving parents all the information they need to make an informed decision,” Turcotte said. “We're also looking at clinics that respond directly to children's and families' needs.”

OPH has nurses who have years of experience vaccinating children with the flu shot every year.

“We hope that our clinics will have more a child-friendly approach, so that children will feel good in coming to our clinics,” Turcotte said.

Important to get kids vaccinated: Etches

Overall rates of COVID-19 have been declining in Ottawa over the past few weeks, but they are highest among children. Kids in school are accounting for 45 per cent of cases, although most of those have not led to an outbreak.

Medical officer of health Dr. Vera Etches said it’s important for parents to get their children vaccinated.

“I look forward to seeing Ottawans take up this protection when it arrives,” she said.

Although most children will not experience severe outcomes from COVID-19 infections, some will, she said. Vaccination decreases the risk of those severe outcomes.

It also helps children stay in school, and benefit from the supports provided by in-person learning. And it will also help keep COVID-19 rates low in the community.

The U.S. authorized Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for emergency used in children aged five to 11 last week. Top Stories

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