OTTAWA -- Ottawa residents can cool off at splash pads, hit the links, play a game of tennis or gather outdoors in groups of up to five people this weekend, as Ontario relaxes some restrictions on outdoor activities and reopens outdoor recreational amenities.

All outdoor recreational amenities had been closed, and outdoor social gatherings prohibited during the Ontario government's stay-at-home order.

Ontario says due to the continuing success of the vaccine rollout and the "collective efforts of Ontarians" in following public health measures, the province is reopening outdoor recreational amenities with restrictions in place, including the need to maintain physical distancing.

As of May 22 at 12:01 a.m., the following outdoor recreational amenities are allowed to open

  • Splash and spray pads
  • Golf courses and driving ranges
  • Parks and recreational areas
  • Baseball diamonds
  • Batting cages
  • Soccer, football and sports fields
  • Tennis, table tennis and pickleball courts
  • Basketball courts
  • BMX and skate parks
  • Horse riding facilities
  • Shooting ranges
  • Lawn bowling and bocce courts

Ontario says boat and watercraft launches are also allowed to reopen across Ontario.


Most city of Ottawa splash pads should be turned on and operating by Saturday morning.

The Ontario government announced Friday afternoon that splash pads will be allowed to open during the stay-at-home order, one day after announcing they must stay closed until mid-June under Ontario's Roadmap to Reopen plan.

Mayor Jim Watson was joined by elected officials from across the province in urging the province to allow splash pads to open.

The city of Ottawa says children do not need to wear masks while on the splash pad.  Parents and guardians are asked to help maintain COVID-safety by:

  • Avoiding crowding on the splash pad
  • Maintaining your child’s physical distancing from individuals outside your household
  • Ensuring they avoid touching their face and common touchpoints on the splash pads
  • Washing or sanitizing your child’s hands regularly

Ottawa's park ambassadors will be touring parks and splash pads to provide guidance.

Splash pads are open daily from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.


Ottawa residents can play a game of tennis this weekend.

Tennis courts are open across Ottawa and Ontario.

Mayor Watson said Friday evening that 290 nets are up at tennis courts across the city.

"The remaining 31 nets have post or net damages that will be repaired in the days ahead," said Watson.


Social gatherings and organized public events outdoors of no more than five people are now allowed in Ontario, including with members of different households.

The Ontario government says physical distancing measures must be followed.

Indoor social gatherings with people outside your household remain prohibited.