Hollywood promises to give us its treatment of world famous chef Julia Child and at the same time their take on blogging about food on the web.

An Ottawa woman who blogs about food has become part of the movie's official website.

She was put on list of the top 20 food bloggers .

Hollywood's version of Julia Child tells two stories. The first is Child and her career as a chef, author and the first big cooking show star on television.

The second is the true story of a woman who took Child's cookbook and in one year prepared all 524 recipies and blogged about it.

Julia Child, played by Meryl Streep, was on TV for over 20 years through the 60's and 70's. She brought cooking to the masses demystifying the kind of skills she learned at the famous French Cordon Bleu cooking school in Paris.

Amy Adam who plays the blogger says "it's like you just put it out there into the ether and people react to it or they don't and I think that is very empowering to people."

"Food has always been a passion of mine" says Shari Goodman of Barrhaven district in Ottawa.

Shari Goodman is a real life food blogger. She started about 18 months ago and uses the Cordon Bleu style of cooking. Each week Goodman posts a new recepie as she shares her love of food and cooking

"Food blogs have changed the way we are cooking it has become a source of so much information for people to share and it was food blogs that got me interested in my own blog as I wanted to become part of that community."

She admits many people now use the internet as their cookbook by browsing hundreds of blogs and sites, looking at pictures, and reading recipes.

Blogging remains a labour of love for Goodwin. She says it takes all her spare time.

Being picked by the movie company as a top site gave her a real boost. She says "the invitation came to me in the way of email and I thought it was spam. When it was determined that it really was Sony Pictures I was just so excited and I now am looking forward to seeing the movie."

At the Cordon Bleu cooking school in Ottawa nearly 500 studuents a year from around the world come to learn the techniques that date back more than 100 years.

Sylvie Sofi Arcaron was the academic director at the Paris school for two years and she is now principal of the Ottawa school . A chef in her own right, she also uses the web.

Arcaron says the school is already seeing a rising level of interest from the web and the movie "we are the only Cordon Bleu cooking school in North America and we are seeing a rise in inquires even before the movie comes out and I think people are just a lot more interested in food. "

Julia Child reached a generation through books and tv then the next generation is going to do a lot of its learning about food through the web.