OTTAWA -- COVID-19 outbreaks have been declared over at two Ottawa elementary schools.
According to Ottawa Public Health, the outbreaks are now over at Assumption School and Ecole elementaire catholique Montfort.
One student and one staff member at Ecole elementaire catholique Montfort on Den Haag Drive tested positive for COVID-19.
At Assumption Elementary School on Levis Street in Vanier, two students tested positive for novel coronavirus.
There are still COVID-19 outbreaks at nine Ottawa schools
- Abraar Elementary School (Two staff cases)
- École élémentaire Catholique Horizon-Jeunesse (Six student cases, one staff case)
- École élémentaire Catholique Sainte-Kateri (Two student cases)
- École élémentaire Catholique Saint François d'Assise (Two staff cases)
- École élémentaire publique Seraphin Marion (Two student cases)
- École secondaire Catholique Franco-Cité (Four student cases, one staff case)
- Lester B. Pearson Catholic High School (Two student cases, one staff case)
- Lycée Claudel private school (Two student cases)
- Prince of Peace Catholic School (Two student cases)
COVID-19 outbreaks have been declared over at four other schools: Monsignor Paul Baxter Catholic School, École secondaire publique Louis-Riel, Collège catholique Franco-Ouest, and Gabrielle Roy Public School.
Ottawa Public Health ordered Monsignor Paul Baxter School to close for two weeks due to COVID-19 cases. The school reopened on Monday, Oct. 5.
Under provincial guidelines, a COVID-19 outbreak in a school is defined as two or more lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases in students and/or staff in a school with an epidemiological link, within a 14-day period, where at least one case could have reasonably acquired their infection in the school (including transportation and before or after school care).