Drive-in-Bingo has returned to the Carp Fairgrounds, every Wednesday for the month of July.
A popular tradition put on hold last year due to the pandemic, it has been a staple in the village of Carp for over six decades.
The gates open at 5:30 p.m. and volunteers guide cars to park, measuring the distance between each vehicle. The games start at 7 p.m.
Patrons must remain in their vehicles unless they have to go to the washroom. Masks are mandatory for anyone outside their vehicle. Refreshments are available from mobile canteens selling snacks, drinks and slices pie along with bingo dabblers if you happen to forget your favourite one.
Neil Falls, who runs the Bingo, says organizers have put every effort into keeping people safe.
“All the Ottawa Public Health precautions are being followed, we have social distancing with the vehicles, P-P-E there is a scanning tool we ask everyone to use when coming in,” Falls said. “This year we are slowly getting back into the rhythm of things and we are really looking forward to seeing everyone again.”
Bingo cards are $15 and touchless payment is available. Bingo calling is broadcast over the radio and a PA system. If you win, you are asked to honk your horn and flash your lights. All the funds raised support to the Carp Fair.
Chris Thomson, who came with friends, said he’s excited to see some things are getting back to normal. He believes this tradition brings the community together and he feels comfortable as everyone is spaced out and keeping in their cars.
“It’s wonderful, it’s a great new Bingo season,” Thomson said. “The weather is terrific, COVID is starting to lighten up a little bit, it’s a great way to get out and celebrate”
There will be two more nights of Drive-In-Bingo on Wednesday July 21 and 28.