A plan to revitalize Ottawa's Sparks Street may include a zipline.

The company that runs a zipline on Fremont Street in Las Vegas, Flightline, is interested in bringing the same attraction to Ottawa.

Sparks street is already home to the annual Buskers Festival and Ribfest. It also recently hosted a successful New Year's Eve party.

Les Gagne, heads the Sparks Street BIA. He says a zipline is one of many ideas being considered to revitalize the area. "I think everyone wants to see Sparks Street grow the way it is capable of. Is this a traditional step? Who knows but it is creating a lot of excitement.”

Flightline would bankroll the multi-million dollar project and some of the revenue would be reinvested into the street. This project is still in the very early stages and must first seek approval from the municipality.

If it is approved the zipline could be up and running this summer.

CTV’s Natalie Pierosara has a full report tonight at 6:00.