OTTAWA -- Laurent Mougeot is on the verge of losing his entire business because of the COVID-19 outbreak.
He runs Krav Maga Ottawa, a military style self-defence club in the Glebe. It involves simulating real world situations and is also known for extreme close contact between fighters. With physical distancing being practiced everywhere, Krav Maga is something that a lot of people would be hesitant to take part in.
Mougeot, who is also the head trainer, says “what we do involves physical contact. I mean Krav Maga means contact combat, there is contact even in the name.”
The doors to Krav Maga Ottawa will most likely remain closed though the Ontario Government’s three stage plan to reopen businesses in Ottawa and across Ontario. All stages still require companies to continue physical distancing, which is impossible for Mougeot, or any martial arts club for that matter.
Even though there is help from the Federal Government with the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance, Mougeot says it’s only a temporary fix.
“I’m going to be applying like many people for the federal help for commercial rents but it has its limitations,” says Mougeot. “I will still be on the hook for 25 percent of my rent and right now, after being a very successful business man for the past few years, right now I have zero income.”
Next week he will start teaching online classes, which a lot of his students have already signed up for. It’s the only option right now for someone in his industry.
“We are a niche market, we are a very specific group of professionals who will not be able to continue at what we are doing as long as physical distancing is in place,” says Mougeot.
Physical distancing measures will most likely be around for a long time, Mougeot knows this. He also knows that time is something that he is quickly running out of.
“Unless my online classes are a big success, I just don’t know what’s going to become of my school, of my students, of me in the future.”