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Here are some gardening questions, answers


When it comes to gardening, a lot of questions come up, including the best way to keep pets away from plants, maintaining your lawn and keeping the dandelions at bay.

Here are some gardening questions and answers:

What is the best way to keep cats and chickens from playing with your plants?

Colin Matassa from Robert Plante Greenhouse tells CTV Morning Live that aside from using physical barriers, such as physical wires or fencing, you can plant some deterrent plants, including rosemary, lavender and citronella.

"Plants that have a bit of a stronger odor, stronger scent, they don’t like it as much," Matassa said.

He adds that not only do those plants do the job, but they also look nice in the backyard.

Gardeners can also use something called "Blood Meal,"  a gray powder you spread on top of the soil.

"They don’t like the smell of that either," he added.

He also recommends putting a layer of mulch in your garden, noting that this would make the soil less attractive for cats and chickens.

"They can’t dig through it much easily," he said.

Is it too early to overseed your lawn?

Now is the perfect time to start overseeding your lawn, he says.

"The temperatures are nice. The ground is warming up," he said.

Matassa notes that it's also important to make sure you use a high quality grass seed.

And when it comes to watering your lawn, Matassa recommends watering everyday for two weeks until the seeds germinate and the grass starts to grow.

"After that, you can cut back. If it's raining, you don't need to water at all," he added.

Overseeding is the process of adding grass seed to the lawn without turning the soil.

How do I get rid of dandelions on my yard?

If dandelions keep coming back, you have to manually remove them, Matassa says.

"You can use little gardening tools to pull them out manually," he said.

He also recommends using a specific spray to hinder their growth.

"You can also use the Weed Be Gone spray to help you get them out," he added. "(It) targets the dandelions. It won't kill the grass that's around it."

"if your lawn is healthy and lush, it'll out compete the dandelion." Top Stories

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