OTTAWA -- A COVID-19 outbreak has been declared at the Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus.

The outbreak was declared after four staff members in the emergency department at the Civic Campus recently tested positive for COVID-19.

In a statement, the Ottawa Hospital says “because of the importance of this infection, the decision to declare an outbreak was made by TOH in conjunction with Ottawa Public Health, and is beneficial to enhance staff and patient safety.”

According to the Ottawa Public Health website, a COVID-19 outbreak was declared at the Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus emergency department on April 28.

The Ottawa Hospital adds it has taken additional precautions to reduce the spread of the virus, and protect patients and staff.

“This includes expanding staff lounge areas to enhance physical distancing, increasing cleaning frequency throughout the emergency department and in staff lounge areas, and ensuring that everyone who enters is wearing (personal protective equipment) at all times.”

The Ottawa Hospital insists it’s safe for anyone to visit the emergency department if they need emergency medical care.