Ontario Premier Doug Ford doesn’t appear to be holding any ill will toward Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for comments made along the federal campaign trail.

Trudeau repeatedly referred to Ford’s policies, warning Ontarians that Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer would enact similar policies nationwide if he became Prime Minister.

But in an exclusive interview on Newstalk 580 CFRA’s The Morning Rush with Bill Carroll Thursday, Ford said he’s letting it slide off his back.

“I realize it’s politics and that’s what it came down to,” he said. ““People expect us to work with him and get infrastructure projects done and put the politics aside.”

Ford said he had a phone conversation with Trudeau shortly after the federal election where the two leaders agreed to work together for the good of the province and the nation.

“I did tell him, ‘enough with the politics now. We’ve got to get down to work and people expect us to work together,’ and he agreed,” Ford said.

“He made a lot of promises, the Prime Minister did,” Ford said. “I can assure you he made a lot of promises for the people of Ontario and I’m going to hold him accountable for every promise that he made.”

Ford said he plans to meet face-to-face with Trudeau as soon as possible, but did not provide a date.

Ford wasn’t shy in expressing his concern that the country is “divided” following the election. Trudeau’s Liberals did not win a single seat in two provinces—Alberta and Saskatchewan—and Ford said that’s a problem, but one he hopes the premiers can solve.

“Right now our country, after this election, is divided from coast to coast,” he said. “I had an opportunity to talk to [Saskatchewan Premier] Scott Moe, I know [Alberta Premier] Jason Kenney very well and Blaine Higgs in New Brunswick and I get along great with [Québec Premier] François Legault and they’re great premiers, but they’re frustrated right now. We’re going to be there to unite the country and make sure we move forward united instead of divided.”