Warren Arshinoff
(No response from candidate)
James Dean
- Top Priority: Taxes: Property taxes are growing in Ottawa. The obvious is what you see on your tax bill of 2% per year over the last 8 years. That compounds to over a 17% increase! That's over 510 Million a year! Services: Our city council have cut many services in order to pay our $211 million a year bill to service the ever increasing debt. Some more obvious services include our garbage collection, our bus services and not increasing the Police budget with the increase in population. Asset management: Our current budget is $70 million a year short on "Critical Infrastructure" , yet we are building non-critical pedestrian bridges and installing items like skylights in sport centres. To make it worse, if it wasn’t for receiving a $22 million surplus, literally, in the last hour of our budget process, the Council would have voted in an additional $8 million cut to Infrastructure!
Keith Egli (Incumbent)
- Top Priority: A priority in the upcoming election is to work with the Ward 9 community to address speeding/ traffic issues and the overall condition of the roads.
- Hidden gem in your ward: Pinhey Sand Dune – it is Ottawa’s only inland sand dune.
Luigi Mangone
- Top Priority: 1. The concerns of the residents about where their tax dollars are being spent. The City has had a reputation of bad fiscal policy in rolling over unspent funds in to the next year’s budget. The increasing tax rates and decreasing quality of services such as road maintenance and snow removal and since 2014, an accumulated total of $266K of the Ward’s budget was left unspent by the incumbent. These are funds that the resident of Knoxdale-Merivale will never see again. 2. The social/affordable/low income housing. Everyone from Seniors to low income earners are struggling with increasing rent and a lower sense of security, either that they will be evicted by developers or that they don’t feel safe in their neighbourhoods anymore. An open discussion with residents is needed and the 10-year homelessness plan needs to be updated as the number of families and single men and women are using shelters or are on the wait list for housing.
- Hidden gem in your ward: The hidden gem that not many residents about is Nepean Creek Park. It offers many soccer fields, and a long bike path, but it is mostly a nature preserve filled with wild animals and vegetation. Ducks are often seen in winter in its ponds instead of heading South. The creek empties itself near the eastern end of the park by crossing under Prince of Wales Drive and entering the Rideau River. As a kid, I would play on the soccer fields and enjoy the ponds with other kids who were apart of the summer camps I attended.
Peter Anthony Weber
(No response from candidate)