OTTAWA -- Britannia Beach Park is the hot spot for COVID-19 pandemic violations in the City of Ottawa.

Tickets have been issued at 37 parks across the City of Ottawa since the start of April, including 10 tickets to people at Britannia Beach in Ottawa’s west-end.

Ottawa Bylaw officers have issued 104 tickets across Ottawa to individuals and businesses for violations during the first four weeks of enforcement.

On April 4, Ottawa Bylaw and Regulatory Services declared on Twitter “the warning phase is over,” adding “We are moving from education to enforcement to protect the lives of our residents.”

In a statement to CTV News Ottawa, Director of Bylaw and Regulatory Services Roger Chapman said “since April 3, Bylaw and Regulatory Services has responded to more than 3,527 calls pertaining to suspected violations of COVID-19 measures and issued 104 tickets.”

“The nature of these calls includes violations of park closures, gatherings of more than five people, and non-exempted businesses that continue to provide services.”

Ottawa Bylaw officers have authority under Ontario’s Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act to issue fines for the following:

  • Gatherings of five or more people in a public or private residence/building
  • People congregating in parks/using park facilities or equipment
  • Restaurants that continue to offer dine-in services
  • Non-essential businesses remaining open

Unauthorized use of City of Ottawa parks

Unauthorized use of City of Ottawa parks has been the top violation of the COVID-19 pandemic rules.

Ottawa Bylaw and Regulatory Services provided an outline to CTV News Ottawa of the 78 tickets issued for violating the COVID-19 measures between April 3 and April 15.

Ottawa COVID-19 infractions

Seventy-one tickets were issued for unauthorized use of parks, including two tickets for “obstruct any person exercising a power in accordance with an order made during a declared emergency.”

Four tickets were issued for gatherings of five or more people in a private residence, and three tickets were issued to non-essential businesses remaining open.

A barber shop, a pub and a landscaper have been fined for operating during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Under the Ontario Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, the fine for violating the pandemic rules is $880 (including victim surcharge). The fine for “obstruct any person exercising a power in accordance with an order made during a declared emergency” is $1,130.

Britannia Park a hot spot for tickets

Britannia Beach Park in Ottawa’s west-end is the top location for violations of COVID-19 measures.

Ten tickets were issued to people in Britannia Park for “unauthorized use of parks” during the COVID-19 pandemic between April 3 and April 15.

Four tickets were issued at Jim Malone Park in Kanata, while three tickets were issued at Centrepointe Park and Ev Tremblay Park.

In total, Bylaw officers issued tickets for violations in 37 City of Ottawa parks, one ticket at Colonel By Secondary School and two tickets for using the recreational trail off of Trim Road.

In a statement to CTV News Ottawa, Chapman says “the COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected the lives of all residents of the City of Ottawa and disrupted even the simple things in our everyday lives.”

“As a city, we must take every measure to slow the spread and protect our most vulnerable residents, which is why it is so important to uphold Provincial Orders – it’s a matter of public safety and everyone plays a role in flattening the curve.”